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Library Renovation Minutes 06/17/09
JUNE 17, 2009

The meeting was called to order at 6:30 PM by Chairperson Diane Hornaday in the Avon Room in Town Hall Building 1.  Members present:  Chairperson Diane Hornaday, Barbara Leonard, Diane Carney, Tad Kuziak, Janet Stokesbury, Secretary David Goldsholl and Scott Boos. Members absent: none. Also in attendance were Assistant Town Manager Blythe Robinson, Library Director Virginia Vocelli and Architect Peter Wells. Avon Life Newspaper Town Editor Natalie Pollock was in the audience.

Barbara Leonard requested changing the book sale's description from "outrageous" to "successful."  Secretary Goldsholl corrected a date under Other Business from July 6th to June 4th.  Secretary Goldsholl motioned, Ms. Leonard seconded and all agreed to accept the June 1, 2009 minutes with the corrections.  None opposed.


Ms. Carney told of her and Ms. Vocelli's visit to Simsbury's Libratect workshop.  She said she was very impressed by what they did to get the Library built and accepted by the Town.  She also added that she felt a little embarrassed by the seeming lack of enthusiasm by the Town of Avon, saying that people in positions of power have not bought into it.  Other committee members disagreed and felt that most of the enthusiasm would come after the referendum when fundraising efforts could truly begin.  Mr. Goldsholl feels the committee has done a splendid job and that everyone has done everything possible to adhere to the Charge given them by the Town Council.  Mr. Kuziak added that the beauty of the Libratect is to see what we're not doing and what other opportunities are out there.  Ms. Vocelli spoke of efforts she's making at the library to keep in the public's eye, for example, through the bulletin board or website updates. Ms. Leonard said the book sale was a wonderful community/educational opportunity.  So many Friends Board members were there to speak to the residents of Avon as well as residents of other communities. She also felt Mary Suter has energized members of the Board of Trustees to also attend the Town Council meeting in July.  Chairperson Hornaday offered to take members' and Ms. Robinson's comments and efforts and work on the press release. She wants to correct residents' impressions that the Library project is just postponed, and not dead, and the committee is working hard to move it forward.

Mr. Wells understood that projects that were ready to go to bid were "shovel" ready.  Ms. Hornaday commented that we shouldn't put a lot in counting on the stimulus money. She asked for numbers: what total project figures would we go to referendum with, vs. completion of construction drawings and possibly retaining a construction manager.  Ms. Robinson put the figures as $9.5M for the cost of the project to be requested at referendum, however only $8.0M would be bonded due to the State grant and fundraising.  $560,000.00 will cover the final drawings which would include monies for a construction manager.  

Mr. Wells discussed the advantage of a construction manager vs. a general contractor with the former working off a set fee, whereby the latter works to maximize profit.  He said you had more control over the project with a construction manager as to choice of subcontractors. Mr. Boos added that a construction manager would better represent the interests of the Town over the general contractor.  Ms. Robinson added that she was very pleased with FIP for the high school project and Enterprise Builders for the renovation to buildings 5 & 6, both projects utilizing construction managers.

Mr. Goldsholl brought up the fundraising that is underway for the Pine Grove playground and how that compares to the Library project.  He suggested that the Town Council might point out that if the playground committee could raise over $100,000.00 without a commitment for the balance of funding, then why couldn't we?  Ms. Stokesbury asked how the balance of funding for the playground might be achieved.  Ms. Robinson said the Town Council recommended to the playground committee that they approach the Board of Education and get them to make the playground project their top priority in their capital plan.  Ms. Leonard added that Simsbury has one building committee for all projects and that gave them an advantage to push one project over another.  Ms. Hornaday feared special interests controlling the project's viability vs. this being a town project that the money should come from the community. The project should not hinge on monies groups could generate.  

Ms. Stokesbury asked how long the project would take from the July 6th Town Council meeting.  Ms. Robinson explained that with referendum approval later this year, the earliest the Library would open would be January, 2012.  Ms. Stokesbury remarked that fundraising efforts at this point would be moot as how could you ask someone to pledge money to something that wouldn't come to fruition until some time way in the future.  Ms. Stokesbury added that the members needed to make their passion for the project evident at the July 6th meeting. Ms. Carney felt very positive that the project will go forward.

Ms. Robinson mentioned that Dennis Dix would be attending the July 6th Town Council meeting to discuss the debt model.  She added that the morning BAN sale for the middle school roof was very successful with securing a short term interest rate of 1% from TD BankNorth. She said if we got the project approved at a referendum this Fall, the Town would have a BAN issue in June 2010, and would be financed out of town cash until then in order to keep all of our borrowings on schedule. She continued that the first payment would be due in 2011.  Staff will meet with Mr. Dix on Monday to review the entire model.   Ms. Stokesbury questioned if there was public pressure for any other project right now.  

Ms. Hornaday discussed presenting Ms. Robinson's updated report to the Council. She said the Town Council would have it ahead of time giving them time to read it.  She explained that they usually go right to the end of the report and she feared they'd go right to the fundraising section.  Ms. Carney wanted a sentence removed speaking to the economic climate delaying the project feeling everyone knows that.  Ms. Hornaday suggested emphasizing the trips to the Libratect workshops as being helpful to their presentation. Mr. Kuziak suggested Mr. Dix speak first to show that the town can afford the project. Ms. Hornaday agreed that thinking about how a project would be paid for could cloud the presentation.  Mr. Kuziak asked Ms. Robinson if it'd be possible to move up the schedule for a possible October Town Meeting.  Ms. Hornaday concurred and asked her to put in the wording to have a meeting "as early as possible."

In summary, Ms. Hornaday wants to tell the Town Council the members want the referendum for the whole project, but would go forward with a Town Meeting appropriating the $560,000.00 for final drawings.  She asked that the operating budget impact not be included in the report but have copies available to hand out.  Mr. Goldsholl disagreed and wanted all the information included.  Mr. Kuziak thanked Ms. Robinson for all her hard work in preparing the report and for all the work she does in general.  

Ms. Robinson mentioned that the project regarding the temporary parking lot and crosswalk was going forward.  Ms. Hornaday felt the parking lot would be a good sign that the Library project was going forward.  The next regularly scheduled meeting will be held July 15th, 2009 at 6:30 PM in the Avon Room, Town Hall Building 1.

Mr. Kuziak motioned, Ms. Leonard seconded, and all agreed to adjourn the meeting at 8:15 PM.  None opposed or abstained.

Recorded by:                                            
                                                        Susan G. Gatcomb, Staff Person

                                                        David Goldsholl, Secretary